APENCMS is the smallest text file based cms. It has been written in php with flatfile database, and support for bootstrap. APENCMS is really tiny, small, elegant. It has an easy to use interface. You can create separate pages and the sidebar links are added automatically. APENCMS is proudly Made in Alta Val Taro.


You can contact Michele Trancossi and EPMItalia Team Website, Email) for feedback, bug reports, tips, feature-requests etc., etc.

<form action="mailto:info@apencms.com" method="POST" target="_blank" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="EmailForm"> Name:


<textarea name="Contact-Message" rows="6″ cols="100″>

ETHICAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ITALIA - Offices - Viale Vittorio Bottego 20, 43043 Borgo Val di Taro (Italia)
Tel.: +39.0525.1900457 - Cell. +39.3534581170 / +39.3331203135 - E-mail: enexergy@engineer.com
Registered address - Viale Milazzo 8, 430125 Parma (Italia)- P. IVA: 02883590347 - N. REA: PR-274654

Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Ethical Property Management Italia s.r.l.
Some rights reserved according to Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Powered by APENCMS a fork of Weasel CMS and released according to MIT License - Download from Github

APENCMS is privacy respectfull. It does not acquire any data about visitors. It does not use any cookie. Test yourself!
APENCMS is proudly made in Alta Val Taro (IT)

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