APENCMS is the smallest text file based cms. It has been written in php with flatfile database, and support for bootstrap. APENCMS is really tiny, small, elegant. It has an easy to use interface. You can create separate pages and the sidebar links are added automatically. APENCMS is proudly Made in Alta Val Taro.

Short Manual

This section explains how to create personalized themes easily.


Themes are located on the /theme folder and the main template file is the ìndex.html HTML file. Variables are placed using the double curly bracket syntax {{ $variable_name }} i.e: in order to print the page title you'll put the folliwing code in the html template: {{ $_CMS['page']['title'] }}


All the elements that you can use when theming your website using Weasel CMS data are encapsulated in an array called $_CMS, this array has got the following variables within it.

  • $_CMS['site'] :

    • ['site_language'] ISO 639-1 Language Code, usually the two letter identifier like: EN, ES, FR ...
    • ['site_title'] : Returns the current weather in Beijing, China ... nah, it's actually the Site Title.
    • ['site_description'] : mainly for seo purposes
    • ['site_keywords'] : Same as above.
    • ['path] : base directory ( dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) )
    • ['url] : url where the website resides ( HTTP_HOST + path )
  • $_CMS['pages'] : Variable containing all the data of every page in case you want to loop over it. Each page contains the following properties described below on the $_PAGE variable.

  • $_CMS['page'] :

    • ['title'] The page title
    • ['description'] Short description of the page
    • ['content'] This is stored as Markdown but it returns the parsed HTML code of the pages content
    • ['tags'] Comma separated tag values
    • ['datetime'] machine-readable date/time in the form : 1914-12-20 08:30:45
    • ['timedate'] Verbose time-date returned by default in the form (i.e) : Thursday 12th of February 2009 @ 04:25 AM ( Date: l jS \of F Y @ h:i A )
    • ['link'] Returns the full url friendly link of the page in case mod_rewite exists on the Apache modules or the link with a url get variable in case it doesn't ?p=url-slug
    • ['slug'] the slug defined on the admin area.
  • $_CMS['is_page'] : Boolean returns if it is a page or not ( Useful to filter the index/home page )
  • $_CMS['menu'] : Retuns an HTML unordered list with all the active pages linked to their pages. With an active class on the current element ( class="active" )
  • $_CMS['prev_page'] full url friendly link to the previous page if exists, otherwise will return a link to the site url.
  • $_CMS['next_page'] full url friendly link to the next page if exists, otherwise will return a link to the site url.
  • $_CMS['is_404'] : Boolean returning if the page is a 404 not found file.

Adding extra variables

On the config.php file, you can add more 'key' => 'value' items to the returned array so you can access to them later on the main template. They will be encapsulated in the parent array $_CMS['site']

For example, by adding at the end of the config array the new pair : 'my_var' => 'my_value'

<?php return array (
  'user' => 'weasel',
  'pass' => 'weaselcms',
  'db' => 'data.dat',
  'site_language' => 'en',
  'files_folder' => '../files',
  'my_var' => 'my_value',

You can later call it by using the bracket syntax : {{ $_CMS['site']['my_var'] }}

ETHICAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ITALIA - Offices - Viale Vittorio Bottego 20, 43043 Borgo Val di Taro (Italia)
Tel.: +39.0525.1900457 - Cell. +39.3534581170 / +39.3331203135 - E-mail: enexergy@engineer.com
Registered address - Viale Milazzo 8, 430125 Parma (Italia)- P. IVA: 02883590347 - N. REA: PR-274654

Copyright (C) 2023-2024, Ethical Property Management Italia s.r.l.
Some rights reserved according to Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

Powered by APENCMS a fork of Weasel CMS and released according to MIT License - Download from Github

APENCMS is privacy respectfull. It does not acquire any data about visitors. It does not use any cookie. Test yourself!
APENCMS is proudly made in Alta Val Taro (IT)

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